Freedom From Within: Prioritizing Herself

I had a client recently, seemingly living her dream externally but struggling internally. Initially expressing her vague discontentment and irritability, she attributed these feelings to external factors. However, during hypnosis, she uncovered a deeper truth: her irritability was rooted in grief. Grief from the sacrifices made in her career over the past two decades. These sacrifices left her feeling unworthy and regretful.

All of a sudden it becoame clear. Over the years she had been prioritizing other aspects of her life. Partners, family and children—over her professional ambitions. This seemingly inconsequential decision had profound repercussions on her emotional well-being, leading to regret and unfulfilled potential.

With this newfound awareness, my client was ready to release the burden of grief and reclaim joy and happiness. 

She also noted, a profound shift in perspective, recognizing her inherent worth and value. It was independent of external achievements, and she was able to connect with the idea that true happiness comes from within.

Then she finally resolved to prioritize herself. Acknowledging her needs and taking action to fulfill those desires.

This hypnosis session served as a powerful catalyst for the client's contentment and self-worth. By confronting feelings of grief and loss, she released pent-up emotions and embraced a newfound joy and self-acceptance.

This session also highlights the transformative power of hypnosis in unlocking underlying emotions and facilitating positive change, creating space for new opportunities without carrying the burden of the past. 

I am so happy for my client and her new found resolve to prioritize herself. Also to note that looks can be deceiving, and self reflection is such a gift that we all have at our disposal. And even more helpful is to have a facilitator that knows how to get their clients to the root of the issue and get to the other side. 

I can’t wait to see what the universe has in store for you as well. Feel free to reach out to book your session today and let me know your thoughts on this client’s session as well.

“Shift your perspective, change your life.”

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Slightly Skeptical: Embracing Authenticity Through Hypnosis

Clients often come to me because they seek solace in the deep relaxation and introspection offered within a session.

Recently my client arrived without a specific goal in mind, simply looking to experience the benefits he has previously received during a session.

During our session, unexpected phrases surfaced, like fragments of buried memories. "Get over yourself," the words echoed, followed by a hesitant acknowledgment of a past life, which he met with slight  skepticism. Despite initial doubts, my client chose to honor the emerging messages and dive deeper into their meaning.

A recurring belief emerged: "I am not safe, and I hide to protect myself." It seemed deeply ingrained, stretching across multiple past lives where my client played roles as a shaman, psychic, and healer. Recognizing the pattern, my client made a conscious decision to confront these fears and embrace their innate abilities.

Through hypnosis he began, shedding the layers of past anxieties and allowing himself to receive the energy and emotion of authenticity. with this experience I noted, It wasn't about proving the reality of past lives but rather about the tangible results – a newfound sense of freedom and confidence he began to embody.

The transformation was tangible, a testament to the power of hypnosis to unearth hidden truths and facilitate personal growth. As my client continues his journey, he remains open to the possibilities that hypnosis offers, trusting in the process and allowing the universe to guide him towards greater self-awareness.

In the end, whether the experiences were literal or metaphorical is irrelevant. What matters is the profound shift in mindset and the courage to embrace authenticity, even when slight skepticism might play in the background. Through hypnosis, my client discovered that true liberation comes from within, and that by releasing past fears, one can truly thrive in the present.

Liz Murphrey

“shift your perspective, change the outcome.”




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Unlocking Potential: A Journey to Clarity with Hypnosis


Today, I had a remarkable client session that reminded me of the transformative power of self-discovery and the untapped potential within each of us. It's moments like these that reaffirm my passion for guiding others towards their true path and purpose.

My client approached me seeking clarity and insight regarding their career direction. Feeling stuck and unsure of which path to take, they bravely reached out for assistance. As we delved into our discussion, it became evident that fear, feelings of unworthiness, and a lack of self-trust were the stumbling blocks hindering their progress.

During our session, we explored these barriers and unearthed deep-seated thought patterns rooted in issues of worthiness. It was a poignant moment when my client connected with their inner child, confronting long-held beliefs and releasing them with tears of realization. In that moment, they recognized their inherent worthiness—a breakthrough that illuminated the path ahead.

With this newfound clarity, we embarked on a journey to envision the perfect day—a day filled with dream circumstances, supportive relationships, and clear steps towards their desired future. Witnessing my client's openness to possibilities and willingness to embrace change was truly inspiring.

What unfolded next was nothing short of extraordinary. By tapping into their subconscious wisdom and redirecting their focus, my client began to shape a future they hadn't dared to imagine before. It's a testament to the incredible potential that lies within each of us, waiting to be unlocked.

As a guide on this journey, I am immensely proud of my client's courage and determination. Their willingness to confront obstacles and embrace growth serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of self-discovery.

Moving forward, I have no doubt that my client will continue to thrive in their new endeavors, armed with newfound clarity and a renewed sense of purpose. Their story is a testament to the boundless possibilities that await when we dare to believe in ourselves and our dreams.

In closing, I encourage anyone feeling lost or uncertain in their career path to embrace the journey of self-discovery. Through introspection, guidance, and a willingness to embrace change, you too can unlock the door to a future filled with purpose, fulfillment, and endless possibilities with hypnosis.

Here's to embracing the journey and stepping into the fullest expression of ourselves.

With gratitude and excitement for what lies ahead,

Liz Murphrey 

 Shift Hypnosis

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